Manitoba provincial immigration Program

Manitoba’s provincial immigration program, called Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program, has several "streams." For example, there's a stream for graduating international students and a stream for applicants who have the support of a family that resides in Manitoba. Under this provincial immigration program, those skilled workers are selected who demonstrate their potential and the desire to immigrate and settle their families in Manitoba. As every stream has different eligibility criteria, following is an outline of currently operative streams that facilitate the permanent immigration visa for applicants:

1.    Employer Direct

A foreign national who is already in Canada can be eligible to apply for permanent immigration visa under this stream of provincial immigration program if the applicant:

•    Has an offer of permanent long-term employment from a Manitoba employer.
•    Has a valid work permit issued by Citizenship and Immigration Canada.
•    Is currently working in Manitoba for a minimum period of six months.

2.    International Student

This stream of provincial immigration program has been created to attract and facilitate the permanent immigration visa to intending foreign students in Manitoba. A foreign student under this stream is eligible to apply if the student:

•    Has a job offer from a Manitoba employer for a long-term, full-time employment.
•    Has a post-graduate open work permit obtained after completion of a post-secondary educational program of at least eight months in Manitoba.
•    Is currently working more than 6 months for the Manitoba employer that offered the long-term, full time offer of employment.

3.    Family Support

A foreign national can apply for permanent immigration visa under this priority stream of provincial immigration program if the applicant: 

•    Has a close relative in Manitoba who is able and willing to support.
•    Is between the ages of 21 and 49.
•    Has completed at least one year of post-secondary education.
•    Has two years of work experience during last five years.
•    Is proficient enough in English or French to be job ready in Manitoba.
•    Has solid intention of settling in Manitoba.
•    Has the ability to establish successfully because of family support and employability in Manitoba and having sufficient settlement funds amounting at least C$10,000 plus C$2,000 for each accompanying dependant.

4.    Strategic Initiatives
This is a discretionary stream of Manitoba’s provincial immigration program that may lead to permanent immigration visa for the foreign nationals. Policies regarding Strategic Initiatives are introduced at the discretion of Manitoba provincial immigration program authorities depending upon provincial needs and available resources. In a nutshell, a foreign national can be eligible to apply for permanent immigration visa under this stream if the applicant:

•    Has conducted an exploratory visit to Manitoba and had the opportunity of attending an interview with a Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program Officer, or
•    Had an interview with the provincial officer and was invited to apply as part of province’s overseas promotional initiative, or
•    Is to be supported by a community organization that will facilitate his/her pre-approved exploratory visit.

5.    General Stream

This category of Manitoba’s provincial immigration program facilitates the eventual issuance of permanent immigration visa to skilled workers who can accumulate the required points in every eligibility factor and prove their ability to successfully establish in the province after immigration. In order to be eligible under this program, the applicant must have the following in Manitoba:

•    A close relative signing an Affidavit of Support for the applicant.
•    Two friends or distant relatives signing an affidavit of support.
•    Completed education and more than six months’ previous work experience.
A foreign relative of a Manitoba resident who is not eligible under Family Stream can apply under the General Stream. A skilled worker under general stream can only apply with the support of a Manitoba ethno-cultural community organization if the organization members signing the affidavit of support personally know the applicant.
6.    Business Immigration
Business immigration stream of Manitoba’s provincial immigration program is a successful permanent immigration visa option that has attracted several businessmen from around the world to settle and establish their ventures in the province. A foreign businessman may be eligible to apply under this category if the applicant has:
•    A verifiable net worth of at least CDN$350,000; and
•    Business or farm management experience as the owner; or
•    At least 3 years of senior management experience in a successful company.
•    Make an Exploratory Visit enabling him to provide documented assessment of business opportunities in and general knowledge about Manitoba.
In case the application is approved by the province, the applicant is required to make a CND$ 75,000 Deposit to the Government of Manitoba as a refundable deposit assuring to live and start or purchase a business or farm in Manitoba within two years of becoming a permanent resident.
7.    Farmers

Titled as the Young Farmer Nominee Program, this category of provincial immigration program attracts young entrepreneurs to Manitoba who have farm business management experience and have a proven ability to establish a farm business in the province. In order to be successful under this category of provincial immigration program, an applicant must meet the following essential requirements:

•    A minimum transferable net worth of CDN$150,000.
•    A minimum equity investment of CDN$150,000.
•    Must be under 40 years of age.
•    At least three (3) years of farm ownership or farm management experience.
•    Marketable skills to supplement farm income.
•    A prior seven (7) days visit to Manitoba aimed at investigating farming opportunities and quality of life in the province.
•    Reside in Manitoba with the all the accompanying family members
•    In case the application is approved by the province, the applicant is required to make a CND$ 75,000 Deposit to the Government of Manitoba as a refundable deposit assuring to live and purchase a farm in Manitoba within two years of immigration.

In case of a positive decision on the application, the provincial authorities will issue a Certificate of Nomination and direct the applicant to submit the processing fee and supporting documents to a Canadian embassy for permanent immigration visa.